Confessions From A First-Time Paddler

At the risk of overgeneralizing, it seems as if avid outdoorspeople love every outdoor activity. Sure, we have favorites (mine is trail running), but chances are high that we will attempt and even enjoy other sports (I also like to backpack, swim, climb, cycle). That's why...

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National Summit Day

The Proper Way to Celebrate National Summit Day

Backpacker Magazine's National Summit Day is August 3rd, and we are pumped! An official reason to go outside and play and climb the highest point nearby? Sign us up! What is National Summit Day exactly, you ask? Backpacker Magazine says, "National Summit Day is a...

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What to Do if Snow is Ruining Your Summer Plans

The snow is stubborn this year—it's caused race cancellations (Hardrock 100), caused lots of PCT thru-hikers to choose to hike SOBO, and kept many trails closed. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! More snow means less wildfire threat, less drought threat, and more time for...

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Coming Down with A Case of Spring Fever in Oregon

You know those scenes in movies, when the calendar’s pages start peeling off and flying away, first slowly, then faster and faster? That’s how I feel every spring. The weather turns gorgeous, the trails start to clear of snow, people go to the river or...

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How to Plan a Self-Supported Adventure

Guided hikes. Trail races. Mountain bike races. Organized events in the wilderness are wonderful because they add a level of comfort to a long and difficult day—people will be marking your route, checking on you, feeding you food and liquids, and congratulating you at the...

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Memorial Day Weekend plans

How to Make This the Best Memorial Day Weekend Ever

Ah, Memorial Day Weekend. The unofficial start of summer. An opportunity to relax and unwind. A chance to eat lots of ice cream. If you're scrambling for some last-minute ideas for the three-day weekend ahead, here are some easy-to-execute suggestions. Keep your laptop and notebook zipped up...

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60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Denver, Menasha RIdge Press

5 Reasons Why Guidebooks are Still Cool to Use

We are living in the future. The Jetson age. We have driver-less cars and talk to robots inside our homes and carry powerful computers in our pockets. It's great. It's really great. Only sometimes it's nice to go old-school. Do a throwback to an easier, simpler...

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