Two Celebrations for Stairways in San Francisco

Adah Bakalinsky first wrote Stairway Walks in San Francisco in 1984 as a guidebook to the network of colorful paths in the Golden Gate City. After Adah met Mary Burk, the two eventually began walking together as coauthors of subsequent editions. The latest edition of the book...

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Discover the Top Outdoor Trails Near You with Our Expert Guide

Many people are planning their summer getaways, and the Top Trails guidebooks can help! In this series, our expert authors describe the trails that are worth your time. Whether you’re looking for hikes with high elevations, child-friendly terrain, lake views, or cool-and-shady paths, these guidebooks...

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Go Camping with Kids!

School is almost out, and the season of camping with kids is near. We have the perfect guide for the before and during, whether you have camped as a child, an adult, or not at all. Camping with Kids: The Complete Guide to Car, Tent, and...

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Unite for a Sustainable Future: Earth Hour Calls for Action

Together in darkness, we illuminate the path toward sustainability and environmental stewardship.  While many of us know Earth Day as a time when we’re encouraged to take care of our environment, not everyone is aware of Earth Hour—when we’re invited to participate together as a community...

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tunnel with bikers in it from book Rail-Trails

Pedal and Power: The Exciting Rise of Electric Bikes

The electric bike is becoming a common sight on paths these days. The rise of electric bikes, or e-bikes, dates back to the late 20th century, with the first successful commercial models appearing in 1997; mass production by Yamaha and Panasonic kicked off in the early...

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Biker on a trail by a lake.

Discover How Abandoned Rail Lines Transform Into Beautiful Rail-Trails

The transformation of busy railways into serene multiuse trails is a fascinating chapter in transportation history. Rail-trails, or paths created along abandoned railroad tracks, are a beautiful testament to sustainable living and community connectivity. Rail-trails turn vacant spaces into bustling pathways for hikers, walkers, cyclists, and...

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