tunnel with bikers in it from book Rail-Trails

Pedal and Power: The Exciting Rise of Electric Bikes

The electric bike is becoming a common sight on paths these days. The rise of electric bikes, or e-bikes, dates back to the late 20th century, with the first successful commercial models appearing in 1997; mass production by Yamaha and Panasonic kicked off in the early...

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Biker on a trail by a lake.

Discover How Abandoned Rail Lines Transform Into Beautiful Rail-Trails

The transformation of busy railways into serene multiuse trails is a fascinating chapter in transportation history. Rail-trails, or paths created along abandoned railroad tracks, are a beautiful testament to sustainable living and community connectivity. Rail-trails turn vacant spaces into bustling pathways for hikers, walkers, cyclists, and...

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We Are Wildness 30 Day Challenge

Will you spend 30 minutes in Nature, for 30 days straight? We are Wildness (WAW), a hub site for information about wild living, nature, alternative lifestyles, natural diet and wellness, animals and sustainability, has extended this challenge to the world: to spend the month of October devoting...

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May is National Bike Month

Next week, May 11-15, has been declared Bike-to-Work Week by the League of American Bicyclists. If you can't consider pedal power every day for a week, maybe you could oil up your chain and join everyone on that Friday, May 15th for Bike-to-Work Day. It's...

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